12 Days 2020, Day 5: A Tired, Terrible Princess

After spending the first third of this post series trapped in the 2000s it’s time to take a break and acknowledge that I did in fact watch some new stuff this year.

Every now and then something comes along that appears to be laser targeted at my specific weaknesses. Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle is very firmly in that camp. Possibly because of my own dreadful sleep patterns I have a pronounced weakness for sleepy characters, so it was sort of a given I’d end up watching this one. Fortunately it turned out to be one of my favourite shows of the year. After the first episode I wasn’t sure if the concept had enough depth for an entire season but it’s handily proved me long. It helps that the titular princess is just awful.

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12 Days 2020, Day 5: A Tired, Terrible Princess