Granbelm Episode 12: A Thousand Years


This episode managed the improbable feat of actually making me feel sorry for Suishou. So that’s impressive. She’s always been more of a force of nature than a coherent character, gleefully antagonising everyone else because well, she’s the antagonist. An implacable obstacle to the others because that’s what the story called for. This time around we finally got to see what’s driving her and it turns out she’s having a pretty miserable time of things herself. Continue reading “Granbelm Episode 12: A Thousand Years”

Granbelm Episode 12: A Thousand Years

Granbelm episode 10: Dolls

This show sure does look nice huh

Well this is late but what the hey. My excuse is that a lot happened in this episode and I needed time to mull it over (it’s acutally just procrastination but shh). Being this late means I’ve already seen episode 11 at the time of writing but I think most of my takeaways from this one haven’t changed too drasticly so let’s do this anyway.

Continue reading “Granbelm episode 10: Dolls”

Granbelm episode 10: Dolls

Granbelm Episode 9: Truth


Somewhat obviously for an episode putting Suisho at the center of things there was a lot of deception at work this episode. These lies were also coupled with a lot of reveals though, as Kuon and Nene managed to push what’s really going on further into the light. Continue reading “Granbelm Episode 9: Truth”

Granbelm Episode 9: Truth