12 Days of Anime 2016, Day 10: JoJo is Really Good Again.


I love JoJo’s Bizzare adventure, it’s ridiculous campy nonsense and it’s great. Stardust Crusaders felt like  bit of a step down though, there were definitely some great fights there, but a lot of the Stands were just various flavours of mystical punch ghost, and it felt drawn out at times. Diamond is Unbreakable feels like a jump back up to peak JoJo.

Continue reading “12 Days of Anime 2016, Day 10: JoJo is Really Good Again.”

12 Days of Anime 2016, Day 10: JoJo is Really Good Again.

12 Days of Anime 2016, day 8:Majin Bone


A whole lot of anime comes out every year, naturally this means stuff slips under the radar. Prior to this year I had no idea Majin Bone existed, because nobody remembers that Majin Bone exists, and that’s a real shame, because it’s great. Continue reading “12 Days of Anime 2016, day 8:Majin Bone”

12 Days of Anime 2016, day 8:Majin Bone

12 Days of Anime 2016, day 7: Welcome to Walkure World


I like Macross Delta a lot. Mostly. Whilst I have some major issues with how the story ultimately ended up going, and the way Windemere and the ultimate antagonist were handled. As a whole, I love it to bits. Continue reading “12 Days of Anime 2016, day 7: Welcome to Walkure World”

12 Days of Anime 2016, day 7: Welcome to Walkure World

12 Days of Anime 2016, day 6: Appreciating The Short Stuff


I’m something of a serial watcher of anime shorts, I try to watch every single one each season. Short anime tend to be overlooked a lot, because the general expectation is that the short runtime acts as a cap on how good they can actually be. Sometimes this is the case, a lot of short anime ends up being pretty bad. But, with the increasing number of the things coming out each season (I’m currently watching 13, which is still missing a few of the ones airing) some of them are bound to be winners, and they are.  The format tends to work best for gag commedies, they can get in, tell a joke and get out without overstaying their welcome, but there are plenty of good examples outside this framework. So today I’m going to take a diferent aproach and run some of the better shorts of the year, in no particular order. Continue reading “12 Days of Anime 2016, day 6: Appreciating The Short Stuff”

12 Days of Anime 2016, day 6: Appreciating The Short Stuff

12 Days of Anime 2016, Day 5: Konosuba is (mostly) better than it should be.


Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shufukufu wo! probably took a lot of people by surprise. It has all the hallmarks of a bad, generic light novel adaptation; Needlessly long name? Check. Unremarkable male lead who’s a little genre savy? Yup. A cast of mostly female characters obliged for some reason to hang out with said bland male lead? Naturally. Ahead of airing, Konosuba showed a bunch of red flags, it should probably have sucked. And yet it didn’t. Continue reading “12 Days of Anime 2016, Day 5: Konosuba is (mostly) better than it should be.”

12 Days of Anime 2016, Day 5: Konosuba is (mostly) better than it should be.

12 Days of Anime 2016, day 4: A Brief, Unambitious Trip to Aomori


I’m a sucker for idylic anime. The kind of show where ostensibly “nothing happens” and a likeable cast just hang out. Flying Witch is this kind of show done perfectly. Continue reading “12 Days of Anime 2016, day 4: A Brief, Unambitious Trip to Aomori”

12 Days of Anime 2016, day 4: A Brief, Unambitious Trip to Aomori

12 Days of Anime 2016, day 3:Max and Milia


SDF Macross is a great show, but it has a lot of issues. A lot of these tie into the characters, the main cast in particular are pretty bland (Do You Remember Love did a lot to fix this). However, Macross has always done a good job of fleshing out the supporting cast, regularly including random semingly unimportant scenes of minor characters just hanging out. Which goes a long way towards making them feel like real people with lives outside of their interactions with the main characters.  Max and Millia stand as a shining example of this. Continue reading “12 Days of Anime 2016, day 3:Max and Milia”

12 Days of Anime 2016, day 3:Max and Milia