“It’s okay to be incoherent” – Heybot! and the art of nonsense


I’ll preface this by saying that I legitimately love Heybot, I’ll repeatedly call it “bad” in this post, but that’s absolutely a sincere compliment. Heybot is simultaneously one of the most incoherent and the most coherent anime I’ve ever encountered. While this might seem like an obviously self contradictory statement it’s one I’ll absolutely stand by, Heybot’s rapidfire nonsense might appear like so much arbitrary randomness to begin with but it’s actually incredibly internally consistent. Very little in the show is actually random, as much as it might seem like it at first. Continue reading ““It’s okay to be incoherent” – Heybot! and the art of nonsense”

“It’s okay to be incoherent” – Heybot! and the art of nonsense

Winter 2019 Shorts Roundup


And here we are again, it feels like it’s only been a few weeks since I last wrote one of th… oh right. But hey, this one’s actually appearing in a timely manner for once, so that’s nice. This season was relatively sparse on the whole, with only four of the seven airing shorts licensed In terms of quality I mostly found myself with extremely mixed feelings on arguably the season’s flagship short, which was a little disappointing. But enough preamble, let’s get to the rundown. Continue reading “Winter 2019 Shorts Roundup”

Winter 2019 Shorts Roundup