12 Days 2020, Day 6: Short Awards 2020

As is now something of a tradition for my 12 days posts, day 6 is our 5th annual Short awards. Every year I use this day to highlight some of the more interesting short anime that aired over the course of the year. In any year the quality of short anime tends to vary wildly and that held true here for the most part. On the plus side there wasn’t much in the way of actively unpleasant stuff like some previous years have had so good job on that front 2020. Anyways, lets get into it shall we.

Continue reading “12 Days 2020, Day 6: Short Awards 2020”
12 Days 2020, Day 6: Short Awards 2020

12 Days 2019, Day 6: Short Awards 2019


Well this is the third year in a row I’ve done this so I guess it counts as a tradition now (technically it’s the fourth but I hadn’t quite pinned down the format at that point so lets just ignore year one).  I watch a lot of short anime, I sort of make a point of trying to watch as many as possible, because I think they’re often unfairly looked down on because of their length and the perceived lack of effort that entails. There are some absolute gems floating around outside the bounds of the standard run time though, and each year I like to use one of these 12 days posts to highlight a few of the more interesting offerings each year. Continue reading “12 Days 2019, Day 6: Short Awards 2019”

12 Days 2019, Day 6: Short Awards 2019

12 Days of Anime 2017, Day 6: Short Awards 2017


So this time last year I decided to change things up a little and use day 6 to highlight some of the shorts that stood out in 2016. Given I’ve made shorts my thing at this point, it makes sense to turn that into a yearly thing. Since I’m now posting about every short in the roundups I’ve decided to give awards to a few series that I feel stood out for specific reasons. Continue reading “12 Days of Anime 2017, Day 6: Short Awards 2017”

12 Days of Anime 2017, Day 6: Short Awards 2017

Spring 2017 Shorts Roundup


Well, this is more than a month later than planned due to persistent internet issues, but let’s get to it anyway. This season’s shorts were kind of a mixed bag without any major high points and a couple of real lows, but there was some good stuff around regardless. Continue reading “Spring 2017 Shorts Roundup”

Spring 2017 Shorts Roundup

12 Days of Anime 2016, day 6: Appreciating The Short Stuff


I’m something of a serial watcher of anime shorts, I try to watch every single one each season. Short anime tend to be overlooked a lot, because the general expectation is that the short runtime acts as a cap on how good they can actually be. Sometimes this is the case, a lot of short anime ends up being pretty bad. But, with the increasing number of the things coming out each season (I’m currently watching 13, which is still missing a few of the ones airing) some of them are bound to be winners, and they are.  The format tends to work best for gag commedies, they can get in, tell a joke and get out without overstaying their welcome, but there are plenty of good examples outside this framework. So today I’m going to take a diferent aproach and run some of the better shorts of the year, in no particular order. Continue reading “12 Days of Anime 2016, day 6: Appreciating The Short Stuff”

12 Days of Anime 2016, day 6: Appreciating The Short Stuff